UDK 338.467.6 Услуги в области культуры и развлечений
The article is devoted to the problems of promotion of impact content (full-length feature films and documentaries created to be shown in cinemas and on online platforms). For more effective promotion, it is necessary to adjust the usual film marketing tools, taking into account the specifics of impact content, the creation of which requires innovative approaches and positive thinking from producers. Film marketing takes on a paramount role in this process, targeting and positioning content in a fragmented market is the key to successful promotion. Positioning impact films as socially responsible cinema seems to be the most promising for the further return on investment of projects. In recent years, changes have also occurred at the level of audience needs: the individualization of needs is increasing, their loyalty is decreasing, which actualizes the social and ethical orientation of the marketing activities of film companies. One of the main tools for promoting impact cinema is communication and interaction with the audience.
film marketing, impact content, promotion, target audience, positioning, audiovisual work
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