UDK 637.1 Молочная промышленность в целом
This article examines the current situation in the dairy cattle industry for 2019-2024 in our country as a whole and in the Leningrad Region in particular. Key potential threats demonstrated by the industry were identified, such as a decrease in the number of cattle and an increase in the cost of milk. These trends can be traced both at the federal and regional levels. To restore and develop the dairy cattle industry, the state made decisions that were reflected in financial incentive measures for enterprises. The measures were implemented in various areas, at the regional and federal levels, and brought their results, for example, in terms of cow productivity and milk yield. In general, it was revealed that the Leningrad Region, despite the fact that it already occupies a leading position in the dairy cattle breeding industry, has enormous potential. The development of the industry is moving towards the creation of enterprises with a full production cycle. Nevertheless, for the further development of the industry, it is necessary to maintain the trend of expanding government support, as this will help reduce threats to the national economic security of the country.
agricultural economics, agriculture, dairy cattle breeding, state support, agrarian policy
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