Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The relevance of this article is that the development of ethnocultural tourism is an important component of preserving the cultural values of small peoples of the country. The purpose of the study is to study the territories of residence of small peoples by regions of the country. The article uses such research methods as methods of analysis and synthesis, the method of factor analysis. The results of the article are regional data that confirm the development of ethnocultural tourism in the territory of the Russian Federation. Tables 1 and 2 provide data on the residence of small peoples in certain territories of Russia. Table 3 provides ethnographic tours that introduce tourists to the color of the indigenous inhabitants of small peoples. In conclusion, the authors note that the Sverdlovsk region and other regions of the country have every reason to further develop ethnocultural tourism, which is the basis for preserving traditional values, religion and culture of the country's small peoples.

ethnocultural tourism, small nations, ethnic groups, national traditions, linguistic features, tourist flows
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