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Abstract (English):
The innovative activity of food processing enterprises plays a key role in the development of the entire agro-industrial complex. It acts as a locomotive that pulls the entire industry along with it, stimulating productivity growth, cost reduction, product quality improvement and the creation of new markets. We have identified areas of development of the agro-industrial complex based on innovative solutions, in particular: improving the efficiency of agricultural production (the food industry, developing new products and technologies, creates demand for innovative types of agricultural raw materials, for example, varieties with a high content of nutrients adapted to certain technological processes; requirements of the food industry for quality, safety the supply of raw materials stimulates agricultural producers to introduce modern technologies, in particular agriculture, vertical farming, biotechnologies; the demand for modern creates new markets and meets the growing needs of consumers; high quality and innovative Russian food products contribute to the development of exports and strengthen the country's position in the global market); increase the competitiveness of the agro-industrial complex (innovations can reduce production costs in both agriculture and the food industry, which increases the competitiveness of products in domestic and foreign markets); product quality improvement (innovative technologies and quality control systems make it possible to produce products that meet the highest consumer requirements). The article examines the key aspects of the competitiveness of fishing industry enterprises as an indicator of the development of the agro-industrial complex in a global market. The analysis of the theoretical foundations of competitiveness at the macro, meso and micro levels, including the concepts of M. Porter, P. Krugman, R. Solow and other scientists, is carried out. The factors influencing the companies' market positions are investigated: environmental sustainability, innovative technologies, product quality, marketing strategies, globalization of supplies and government support. A comparative analysis of the leading Russian and foreign companies in the fishing industry (Mowi, Nippon Suisan Kaisha, Maruha Nichiro, Russian Aquaculture, etc.) has been carried out, their competitive advantages and adaptation strategies to market changes have been identified. Using SWOT and PESTLE analysis, the strengths and weaknesses of the industry, promising areas of development and potential threats have been identified. The article concludes that digitalization, the introduction of innovative technologies and international certification are necessary to increase the competitiveness of Russian enterprises. The results of the research can be used to develop strategies for the management of fishing industry enterprises, as well as in government policy to support the industry.

competitiveness, fishing industry, aquaculture, sustainable development, digitalization, international trade, environmental certification
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