Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the results of studies on the calculation of the layer and volume of runoff from forest-steppe agricultural landscapes of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The layer and volumes of annual runoff in the field areas of the Achinsk and Nazarovsky agricultural landscapes are calculated. Depending on the moisture content of the territory, the zonal average annual runoff layer in the forest–steppe regions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory ranges from 23-110 mm, varying from 65-230 mm for 1% of the supply to 6-55 mm for 95% of the probability of excess. The annual runoff layer from real agricultural landscapes decreases by 30-65% with its zonal values. Melting of snow reserves accumulated over the winter forms spring runoff, which averages from 6 to 40 mm, decreasing in forest-steppe agrolandscapes in some years to 1 mm. In the spring period, 60 to 90% of the annual runoff takes place in different water years. In the conditions of the forest-steppe zone, spring runoff is observed in the second half of March and in April with the onset of positive daytime temperatures. The average long-term value of the hc spring runoff on the agricultural landscapes of the Krasnoyarsk Territory ranges from 6 to 40 mm, depending on the availability and location of the agricultural landscape. Liquid precipitation (rain) accounts for a large proportion of the annual moisture content of forest-steppe areas, but is significantly less important in the formation of surface runoff from forest-steppe catchments and agrolandscapes. The rains that fell in late March and April contribute to an increase in spring runoff by no more than 5-10%. In the conditions of the forest-steppe zone of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the most intense rains are observed in the second half of August, they have a torrential character.

agrolandscapes, water availability, precipitation, annual runoff, layer, volume, security
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