UDK 332.3 Землепользование
The article discusses issues regarding registry errors. The authors pay attention to the concept of registry errors, fixed at the legislative level of the Russian Federation. A detailed analysis of the sources, types, and other theoretical aspects of such errors is also performed. As a result of the study, a number of causes and principles of their elimination are identified. The authors also describe an algorithm for correcting registry errors in two ways: by a cadastral engineer and by a government rights registration authority. An example of the detection and elimination of this error by a cadastral engineer is given. In addition, the article provides specific examples of correcting such errors using the software of state registration authorities. The authors highlight the ad-vantages and disadvantages of both registry error correction options. In addition to the analysis of various regulatory documents and other databases, a description of the development of an XML schema for improving the correction of registry errors was presented. The authors provided economic indicators and calculated labor costs, time and labor intensity of work in manual and automated modes. The scientific research uses the materials of the latest regulatory legal acts, which already have a wide legal practice on the territory of the Russian Federation. In conclusion, the authors note that correcting registry errors will improve the quality of the EGRN data, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of real es-tate owners without unnecessary costs for citizens.
registry error, incorrect information, correction by a cadastral engineer, sending notifications, application for correction of registry error
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