UDK 332.14 Региональная, территориальная экономическая политика, планирование и прогнозирование
The article presents the results of empirical studies on the identification of the degree of post-industrial orientation of the regional economy, carried out on the factual basis of problematic entities of the North Caucasian Federal District. It is shown that in the context of planning the regional policy of post-industrial transit of the economy, it is necessary to be guided by the synthetic level of its post-industrial orientation, which consists of the current and forecast state of the innovation and infrastructure component and the level of activity of creative capital. Institutional support and management coordination The tasks of operational development of corrective directions, mechanisms and instruments of regional socio-economic policy aimed at changing the technological structure, ensuring the dominance of post-industrial sectors and industries of the economy, accumulating creative capital are impossible in their implementation without a detailed analysis of the accumulated transformation potential. In the article, from the standpoint of diagnosing the degree of post-industrial orientation of the regional economy, parametric and methodological support for calculating aggregate indices of innovative development and the degree of innovativeness of the economy is formed. Using the proposed analytical apparatus, reliable empirical estimates of the degree of post-industrial orientation of the regional economy of the subjects of the North Caucasian Federal District were obtained. The article is an addition to the cycle of researchers' works on the problems of economic transformation of the regions of the South of Russia. The obtained analytical results, empirical estimates and calculation material for the subjects of the North Caucasian Federal District can be used in further scientific research.
economy, region, post-industrial transformation, factors, transformation infrastructure, regional policy
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