Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Digital transformation has become an essential tool for crisis management, allowing enterprises to adapt to changing conditions and effectively confront modern economic challenges. The integration of technologies such as cloud computing, big data analysis, artificial intelligence and process automation opens up new opportunities to increase efficiency, reduce costs and increase business sustainability. Companies actively implementing digital solutions not only minimize losses during crisis periods, but also strengthen their competitive positions. The study examines the impact of digitalization on the effectiveness of crisis management using both qualitative and quantitative analysis methods. The key performance indicators (KPIs) were the speed of decision-making, reduction of financial losses and adaptability of business processes. It has been revealed that real-time data analysis, crisis forecasting and the development of preventive measures have become possible thanks to digital tools. At the same time, significant gaps in the digitalization of certain industries, for example, in the mining industry (-61.7) and logistics (-52.8), emphasize the need for targeted investments in these sectors. Regional differences also have a significant impact on business sustainability. Thus, in the Krasnodar Territory, the liquidation rate of organizations decreased from 2.174 in 2021 to 1,800 in 2023, which indicates the effectiveness of anti-crisis measures. However, this figure remains one of the highest, which indicates the need for additional support measures. Thus, digitalization becomes an integral part of crisis management, creating conditions for innovative development and long-term sustainability. Effective planning, selection of a suitable business model and constant monitoring of the implementation of measures ensure the successful overcoming of crisis situations and strengthen the position of companies in the market.

crisis management, digitalization, business models, sustainability, automation, big data, efficiency
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