Pacific State University
Khabarovsk, Khabarovsk, Russian Federation
UDK 331.5 Рынок труда. Занятость
The article presents the results of a study aimed at identifying the state of human capital in the Khabarovsk Territory. This huge region with developed industry and low population density is of strategic importance for the Russian Federation. And the future of the region and the security of the eastern borders of the country depend on the state of human capital and how effectively it is managed. Thus, the purpose of the study was to develop recommendations for the development of human capital in the Khabarovsk Territory. To achieve this, an assessment was made of the quality of human capital in the region based on the calculation of the human development index proposed by the United Nations. The results indicate that despite the high levels of education and income of the population, the human development index is lower than the national average (0.803 versus 0.821 in 2022). The reason for this was the low age of mortality of the population, associated with the insufficient effectiveness of diagnosis and prevention systems for early stage diseases. Another alarming fact was the constant outflow of young people with a high level of education to the western regions of Russia. Based on the obtained results, recommendations were developed to overcome existing problems and directions for the development of human capital in the region were proposed, aimed at increasing the efficiency of diagnostics and disease prevention systems at early stages, creating conditions for attracting and retaining talented specialists in the region. In the course of the work, such scientific research methods as statistical data analysis, interviews with experts and literature analysis were used.
human capital management, Khabarovsk Krai, problems, life expectancy, outflow of population, funding for scientific research, strategies, investments, infrastructure, attracting specialists
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