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Abstract (English):
In the context of the digitalization of society, the concept of social conflict remains relevant, which affect all spheres and branches of the national economy. They are especially acute in the field of public and municipal administration, as a dynamic sphere of digitalization. Conflicts can be both groundless and have a clear basis, and the higher the interest of the parties to the conflict in resolving the situation, the more likely the escalation of the conflict, expressed in various patterns of behavior of individuals. Sociologists, psychologists, economists, political scientists, and anthropologists describe conflicts in diametrically opposite ways and give them different classifications. In order to determine the causes of the conflict and assess the conflict field, a scheme is presented that allows to identify the true cause of the conflict situation in the field of public administration. The study uses numerous methods of segmentation of civil servants by type of behavior in a conflict situation, thanks to such clustering, it is possible to further select schemes for reducing conflicts in the process of solving complex strategic tasks. By building sociograms, it is possible to determine the leadership qualities of an employee, the degree of his reliability, the level of compatibility in the group and professionalism. In the course of the study, which consists in identifying conflicting personalities in the civil service, a methodology focused on describing the real state of the object was used. Its essence is to identify contradictions in the formal organizational structure, which is the basis for the development of conflicts of various types. Based on the indicators, a department profile is created according to the degree of conflict and, based on the situation, conflict resolution mechanisms are applied in the future.

socio-economic approach, management methods, public service, conflict resolution mechanisms, sociograms, conflict resolution mechanisms, digital economy, compromise strategy, competitive strategy, cooperation strategy
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