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Abstract (English):
The article touches upon the urgent issue of the need to develop a segment of low-rise housing construction. The indicators of apartment prices in St. Petersburg and Moscow over the past year are analyzed. Conclusions are drawn about the low level of housing affordability in cities for citizens at the present stage. One of the key barriers to the development of the potential of the low-rise housing construction market, namely the acute shortage of engineering-prepared land plots for construction, is considered. The values of indicators characterizing the state of engineering networks in rural areas are presented. The author's organizational and economic mechanism for the development of a system for providing engineering infrastructure for land plots has been developed. The presented mechanism consists of four stages: planning, organization, control, monitoring, and is also structured according to the priority of sites and methods of financing.

low-rise construction, individual housing construction, real estate market, low-rise real estate, engineering infrastructure, engineering systems
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