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Abstract (English):
The article considers a comparative analysis of the registration of a public easement or the acquisition of a land plot for lease for linear objects. The discussion on this topic shows the ways of using the types of relations in terms of the formation of rights to a land plot, which are sufficiently regulated by the Civil Code. However, we note that the lease is beneficial for landowners, and the easement is more suitable for the owner of a property that is located on someone else's land. It seems to make no sense to discuss options for economic benefits, obviously the first place is for an easement – the cost is minimal, unlike rent, in fact, the fee for an easement is compensatory. But it is not enough to be guided by this when choosing the registration of the right to a land plot for a linear object, it is worth considering each situation from the side of regulatory requirements.

linear object of the electric grid, establishment of a public easement, conclusion of lease agreements, obtaining permits for their use
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