Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Every year in Russia, from 300 to 500 km of high-quality roads are built (motorways, 1st and 2nd class). Taking into account the distances separating cities in our country, the construction of roads is one of the priority directions of economic development. However, the construction of highways affects the environment in several directions at once: chemical pollution of atmospheric air, surface water, soil and vegetation, changes in the acoustic regime of the adjacent territory, mechanical movement of land masses during construction, changes in the hydrological regime of water bodies, etc. In order to reduce the harmful effects on the environment, it is necessary to develop and use remediation programs that will be able to minimize damage.

roads, linear objects, land reclamation, construction
Every year in Russia, from 300 to 500 km of high-quality roads are built (motorways, 1st and 2nd class). Taking into account the distances separating cities in our country, the construction of roads is one of the priority directions of economic development. However, the construction of highways affects the environment in several directions at once: chemical pollution of atmospheric air, surface water, soil and vegetation, changes in the acoustic regime of the adjacent territory, mechanical movement of land masses during construction, changes in the hydrological regime of water bodies, etc. In order to reduce the harmful effects on the environment, it is necessary to develop and use remediation programs that will be able to minimize damage.

1. Zemel'nyy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federacii s poslednimi izmeneniyami na 2018 god (red. ot 12.07.2018). - M.: Eksmo - L., 2018. - 192 s

2. Gradostroitel'nyy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federacii s poslednimi izmeneniyami na 2018 god (red. ot 25.12.2018). - M.: Eksmo - L., 2018. - 226 s

3. Zakon Rossiyskoy Federacii «Ob ohrane okruzhayuschey sredy» (red. ot 29.27.2018). - M.: Prospekt - L., 2018. - 72 s.

4. Zakon Rossiyskoy Federacii «O nedrah» (red. ot 03.10.2018). - M.: Prospekt - L., 2018. - 72 s.

5. SNiP 2.05.02-85 Avtomobil'nye dorogi (s Izmeneniyami N 2-5)

6. VSN 182-91 Normy na izyskaniya dorozhno-stroitel'nyh materialov, proektirovanie i razrabotku pritrassovyh kar'erov dlya avtodorozhnogo stroitel'stva

7. GOST (ST SEV 4471-84) Ohrana prirody. Pochvy. Trebovaniya k ohrane plodorodnogo sloya pochvy pri proizvodstve zemlyanyh rabot

8. GOST Ohrana prirody (SSOP). Zemli. Obschie trebovaniya k rekul'tivacii zemel' (s Izmeneniem N 1)

9. GOST Ohrana prirody. Zemli. Trebovaniya k opredeleniyu norm snyatiya plodorodnogo sloya pochvy pri proizvodstve zemlyanyh rabot

10. GOST Ohrana prirody (SSOP). Zemli. Klassifikaciya narushennyh zemel' dlya rekul'tivacii

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13. Martynov K.F. Sistema vodootvoda avtomobil'nyh dorog // Sovremennye innovacii. 2016. №10 (12). S - 117

14. Levkovich T.I., Mevlidinov Z.A., Chernenkov A.V. Ob ispol'zovanii otrabotannyh kar'erov pod vodoemy pri stroitel'stve avtomobil'nyh dorog // Nauchnyy zhurnal. 2017. №7 (20). S - 129

15. Tarasova O.Yu., Moskaleva S.A., Larina A.V. Geoekologicheskie aspekty proektirovaniya avtomobil'nyh dorog // Sovremennye problemy territorial'nogo razvitiya. 2018. №2. S - 267

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