Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper describes the mechanisms of coordination of stakeholders in the higher education system in the period from 1820 to 1863-the period of the active phase of institution - building and at the same time systemic transformations of higher education in Russia.The article is a part of the study of coordination mechanisms of higher education actors in certain historical periods. The analysis of the declared historical period allowed to identify a set of ideal-typical coordination mechanisms, most of which are subject to the existing public policy in the analyzed period.

mechanisms of activity coordination, higher education, hierarchy, coordination, standardization
The paper describes the mechanisms of coordination of stakeholders in the higher education system in the period from 1820 to 1863-the period of the active phase of institution - building and at the same time systemic transformations of higher education in Russia.The article is a part of the study of coordination mechanisms of higher education actors in certain historical periods. The analysis of the declared historical period allowed to identify a set of ideal-typical coordination mechanisms, most of which are subject to the existing public policy in the analyzed period.

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