Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article suggests a method of comprehensive comparative evaluation of the socio-economic activities of business entities, including organizations of the system of consumer cooperation of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the article gives an approbation of the methodology for comparative rating evaluation of cooperative organizations based on the information from Ruslana database. The analysis identifies leaders in the social and economic aspects and proposes events to introduce a benchmarking process in the activities of lagging cooperative organizations. The proposed method allows analyzing according to any system of indicators in different business conditions. The article deals with the concept of corporate culture, as well as its existing typologies. The classification of corporate culture on the part of management essence, manifestation, position of the organization, level of development is presented. The levels of corporate culture by E. Shane are also considered.

consumer cooperation, efficiency, industry activities, performance indicators, rating assessment, internal benchmarking, the leaders
The article suggests a method of comprehensive comparative evaluation of the socio-economic activities of business entities, including organizations of the system of consumer cooperation of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the article gives an approbation of the methodology for comparative rating evaluation of cooperative organizations based on the information from Ruslana database. The analysis identifies leaders in the social and economic aspects and proposes events to introduce a benchmarking process in the activities of lagging cooperative organizations. The proposed method allows analyzing according to any system of indicators in different business conditions. The article deals with the concept of corporate culture, as well as its existing typologies. The classification of corporate culture on the part of management essence, manifestation, position of the organization, level of development is presented. The levels of corporate culture by E. Shane are also considered.

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