Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the current issue in the modern economic situation, about the presentation of students about the functions of entrepreneurship. Selection of respondents for questioning was carried out by the method of quota sampling. Quota characteristics: course, specialization of training. The authors note that in general, the opinions of students about the functions of Russian business are justified. Based on the results of the study, the hypothesis was refuted that the majority of students give a low assessment of the role of entrepreneurship in society. The results obtained during the study may be of interest to political structures in Russian society in the development of programs, strategies, directions of development and reforming of entrepreneurship. The main provisions of the study can be used in educational institutions to teach various economic disciplines.

students, society, sociological research, attitude to entrepreneurship, society of consumption, quality of life
The article is devoted to the current issue in the modern economic situation, about the presentation of students about the functions of entrepreneurship. Selection of respondents for questioning was carried out by the method of quota sampling. Quota characteristics: course, specialization of training. The authors note that in general, the opinions of students about the functions of Russian business are justified. Based on the results of the study, the hypothesis was refuted that the majority of students give a low assessment of the role of entrepreneurship in society. The results obtained during the study may be of interest to political structures in Russian society in the development of programs, strategies, directions of development and reforming of entrepreneurship. The main provisions of the study can be used in educational institutions to teach various economic disciplines.

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