Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Innovative development of Russian regions should be provided with both human resources and territorial connectivity. Failure to comply with these conditions comes the innovative development of the Russian regions under a big question. Our country has a territory of great length, some regions of which are sometimes not connected with each other. Therefore, it is impossible to solve the problem of innovative development of remote regions without solving the connectivity of territories, both in the field of passenger and freight transport. The human resources required for any production, scientific, social or any other process must have the mobility characteristic. Both fast routes and innovative means of moving from one subject of the Federation to another are needed. The author has developed a model showing the most appropriate from the economic point of view passenger transportation routes. The model makes it possible to compare different modes of transport to ensure optimal connectivity between the two regions for the purpose of building human capacity.

innovative activity in a regions, regional development, innovative clusters, connectivity of the Russian Federation territories, air transportation, human resources
Innovative development of Russian regions should be provided with both human resources and territorial connectivity. Failure to comply with these conditions comes the innovative development of the Russian regions under a big question. Our country has a territory of great length, some regions of which are sometimes not connected with each other. Therefore, it is impossible to solve the problem of innovative development of remote regions without solving the connectivity of territories, both in the field of passenger and freight transport. The human resources required for any production, scientific, social or any other process must have the mobility characteristic. Both fast routes and innovative means of moving from one subject of the Federation to another are needed. The author has developed a model showing the most appropriate from the economic point of view passenger transportation routes. The model makes it possible to compare different modes of transport to ensure optimal connectivity between the two regions for the purpose of building human capacity.

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