Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the work the analysis of categories "Internet marketing", "digital marketing", "electronic commerce" and other semantically close concepts is done with the purpose of system analysis of invariant and various in them. A literature review of works in the field of Internet marketing and e-commerce is given.

Internet marketing, digital marketing and online marketing, e-commerce
In the work the analysis of categories "Internet marketing", "digital marketing", "electronic commerce" and other semantically close concepts is done with the purpose of system analysis of invariant and various in them. A literature review of works in the field of Internet marketing and e-commerce is given.

1. Harris L., Rae A. Social networks: the future of marketing for small business // Journal of business strategy. 2009. T. 30. № 5. S. 24-31.

2. Lagrosen S. Effects of the internet on the marketing communication of service companies // Journal of Services Marketing. 2005. T. 19. № 2. S. 63-69.

3. Koiso-Kanttila N. Digital content marketing: a literature synthesis // Journal of Marketing Management. 2004. T. 20. № 1-2. S. 45-65.

4. Rowley J. Understanding digital content marketing // Journal of marketing management. 2008. T. 24. № 5-6. S. 517-540.

5. Valos M.J., Ewing M.T., Powell I.H. Practitioner prognostications on the future of online marketing // Journal of Marketing Management. 2010. T. 26. № 3-4. S. 361-376.

6. Chaffey D. Definitions of Digital marketing vs Internet marketing vs Online marketing/ URL:http:// https://www.smartinsights.com/digital-marketing-strategy/online-marketing-mix/definitions-of-emarketing-vs-internet-vs-digital-marketing/

7. Reynolds J. eCommerce: kriticheskiy obzor // Mezhdunarodnyy zhurnal upravleniya roznichnoy torgovley i distribuciey. 2000. T. 28. № 10. S. 417-444.

8. Jansen B.J., Molina P.R. The effectiveness of Web search engines for retrieving relevant ecommerce links // Information Processing & Management. 2006. T. 42. № 4. S. 1075-1098.

9. Flanagin A.J. et al. Mitigating risk in ecommerce transactions: perceptions of information credibility and the role of user-generated ratings in product quality and purchase intention // Electronic Commerce Research. 2014. T. 14. № 1. S. 1-23.

10. Tapeh A.G., Rahgozar M.A. knowledge-based question answering system for B2C eCommerce // Knowledge-Based Systems. 2008. T. 21. № 8. S. 946-950.

11. Marketing torgovyh centrov. M.: MOLL, 2015. 323 s.

12. Kaziev V.M. Vvedenie v analiz, sintez i modelirovanie sistem. M.: Binom. Laboratoriya znaniy. NOU INTUIT, 2007. 288 s.

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