Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Two-factor ABC-analysis was carried out in the work. As the first factor, X is the cost of conversion on requests in contextual advertising by Google, as the second factor - the synthetic indicator "query competition" in contextual advertising Google. ABC-analysis allows you to determine the requests for which the fixed assets are spent (up to 80% of all costs) and, depending on the purpose of the advertising campaign, reduce the cost of the click cost in contextual advertising for "expensive" queries. The result of the analysis is manifested in the efficiency and increase in traffic - the number of visitors to the site within a limited budget.

ABC-analysis, contextual advertising, query competition, consumer search
Two-factor ABC-analysis was carried out in the work. As the first factor, X is the cost of conversion on requests in contextual advertising by Google, as the second factor - the synthetic indicator "query competition" in contextual advertising Google. ABC-analysis allows you to determine the requests for which the fixed assets are spent (up to 80% of all costs) and, depending on the purpose of the advertising campaign, reduce the cost of the click cost in contextual advertising for "expensive" queries. The result of the analysis is manifested in the efficiency and increase in traffic - the number of visitors to the site within a limited budget.

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