Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper considers the concept of query clustering is considered as an association of queries similar in meaning (meaning, intentions, occupied by the search), regardless of their semantic relevance. Methods for grouping queries or soft / hard-clustering are presented. Visually presented are hard-clustering with thresholds 2 and 5. Based on clustering with threshold 2, 93 groups are defined, of which 58 groups containing two or more requests and 35 groups containing 1 query are shown. Using the hard-clustering method with threshold 5, 167 groups were formed, of which 96 groups containing two or more requests; 71 group containing 1 query.

semantic core, query clustering, query classification
The paper considers the concept of query clustering is considered as an association of queries similar in meaning (meaning, intentions, occupied by the search), regardless of their semantic relevance. Methods for grouping queries or soft / hard-clustering are presented. Visually presented are hard-clustering with thresholds 2 and 5. Based on clustering with threshold 2, 93 groups are defined, of which 58 groups containing two or more requests and 35 groups containing 1 query are shown. Using the hard-clustering method with threshold 5, 167 groups were formed, of which 96 groups containing two or more requests; 71 group containing 1 query.

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