Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Article is devoted to questions of application in Russia of national standards for rural tourism. The analysis of contents of standards is provided in aspect of rural tourism, their features are revealed. Authors pay special attention to regulation in national standards of questions of ensuring quality and safety of the services. The analysis of national standards for rural tourism is made from the point of view of provisions of the federal law in the field of standardization.

national standards, rural tourism, agrotourism, quality of tourisn services, safety in the field of rural tourism
Article is devoted to questions of application in Russia of national standards for rural tourism. The analysis of contents of standards is provided in aspect of rural tourism, their features are revealed. Authors pay special attention to regulation in national standards of questions of ensuring quality and safety of the services. The analysis of national standards for rural tourism is made from the point of view of provisions of the federal law in the field of standardization.

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