Russian Federation
What is in it for me? Learn how to be oriented better in what is happening on very dynamic and highly profitable children’s goods market. The article doesn’t explain the trends only with data base extracts and statistic information, but deals with another point of view, and describes the trends via different angle looking at the market with eyes of today consumer. It dives into his real day-to-day life, and telling the story through the prism of personal observations of what is happening on retail shelves. Two different approaches: symbiosis of statistics and first-person narrative is possible due to the fact this article was written by target audience representative. This article is interesting by having a forecast of target consumer groups dynamics and respectively the main market development vectors till 2027. Well described trends could be applicable not only to Kids’s goods market, but all market segments relevant for generation Y, whose era at the moment comes into full force.
Y, the children's product market, Millennials, parents of generation Y
1. Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research (2015)
2. oficial'nyy otchet Ministerstva Truda i Social'noy Zaschity Rossiyskoy Federacii 2015
3. Datamonitor Consumers’ Q4 global survey Q4, 2014
4. sociologicheskogo oprosa RBK Issledovaniya rynkov