Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Article is devoted to an urgent question in a modern economic situation. Act as a subject of the analysis social partnership. Authors set as the purpose to carry out the analysis of system of social partnership as a private modality of all system of the social relations. The basis of a research is formed hermeneutic, phenomenological also by analytical methods. Results of work are that completeness and system effectiveness of social partnership as a private modality of all system of the social relations can be institutionalized differently. The most optimum when the system of social partnership is institutionalized by means of the relation of the person to the mystery of his life and is staticized in the course of search of answers to key questions of life. Such spiritual self-determination of the individual not simply promotes his transformation into the full-fledged personality, but also optimum structures all system of social partnership. Such self-determination turns the vital relations from formal into intrinsic. Results of a research can be applied in the sphere of socially philosophical analyses of society.

social partnership, society, social institute, public administration, spirituality, self-determination
Article is devoted to an urgent question in a modern economic situation. Act as a subject of the analysis social partnership. Authors set as the purpose to carry out the analysis of system of social partnership as a private modality of all system of the social relations. The basis of a research is formed hermeneutic, phenomenological also by analytical methods. Results of work are that completeness and system effectiveness of social partnership as a private modality of all system of the social relations can be institutionalized differently. The most optimum when the system of social partnership is institutionalized by means of the relation of the person to the mystery of his life and is staticized in the course of search of answers to key questions of life. Such spiritual self-determination of the individual not simply promotes his transformation into the full-fledged personality, but also optimum structures all system of social partnership. Such self-determination turns the vital relations from formal into intrinsic. Results of a research can be applied in the sphere of socially philosophical analyses of society.

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