Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Statistical studies allow us to obtain objective information about how often and how people engage in physical activity, which sports are the most popular, and how the level of preparedness of the population changes. These data are necessary to determine the success of the state policy in the field of physical culture and sports and to plan new programs and activities. In the course of scientific research, methods of classification and systematization, data normalization, rating methods, comparative and regression analysis, tabular and graphical representation of statistical data and research results were used. The analysis of statistical data also makes it possible to identify trends in the development of sports in Russia, identify new trends, popular sports, and the dynamics of changes in sports achievements. This information can help identify weaknesses in the sports infrastructure, adjust government policy, and plan further development of physical culture and sports in the country. The relevance of this topic is that in recent years in our country there has been a significant improvement in the conditions for sports and support for sports events. The study of the state and trends of sports development in Russia will determine the effectiveness of these measures and identify problems that need to be solved for the further development of sports in the country. The object of the study is the development of sports and physical culture in the regions of Russia. The subject of the study is a set of statistical indicators of the state and trends in the development of sports and physical culture in Russia.

sports, statistics, athletes, economic and statistical analysis, econometric modeling, results, statistical indicators
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