Интеграл 3/2022



Арсаханова Зина Абдуловна, Профессор кафедры финансов, кредита и антимонопольного регулирования, ФГБОУ ВО «Чеченский государственный университетимени А-Х.Кадырова» (364020 Россия, г. Грозный, ул. Асланбека Шерипова, д. 32),  тел. +7(495)651-05-86, mguspaeva@mail/ru


Zina A Arsahanova., Professor of the Department of Finance, Credit and Antimonopoly Regulation, FSBEI HE «Chechen State University named after A.Kh. Kadyrov» (32  Aslanbek Sheripov  st.,  Grozny,  364020  Russia), tel. +7(495)651-05-86, mguspaeva@mail/ru


Аннотация. Конкурентные взаимоотношения на рынке характеризуются конкурентоспособностью предприятий. В научной литературе ее определяют по меньшей мере шестью подходами, основанными на: конкурентоспособности продукции; конкурентных преимуществах; потенциале предприятия; эффективности производственно-хозяйственной деятельности; возможности вести конкурентную борьбу; комбинации других подходов. То есть конкурентоспособность базируется на совокупности характеристик предприятия способных обеспечивать ему возможность противостояния соперникам на конкурентных рынках. Важной чертой развития любого промышленного предприятия является быстрое реагирование на изменения внешней среды, поскольку основой современного рыночного успеха предприятия является конкурентная рациональность, то есть умение думать и действовать быстрее, метче и этичнее. Управление развитием промышленных предприятий-это целенаправленное влияние управляющей системы на управляемую с целью обеспечения процесса перехода от текущего состояния предприятия к лучшему (совершенному) в соответствии с поставленными целями.  Следовательно, процесс управления жизнеобеспечения деятельности промышленных предприятий, прежде всего имеет целью перемещения системы из одного состояния в другое с новыми качественными и количественными характеристиками конкурентоспособности, достижение которых зависит от факторов производства.

Abstract. Competitive relationships in the market are characterized by the competitiveness of enterprises. In the scientific literature, it is defined by at least six approaches based on: product competitiveness; competitive advantages; the potential of the enterprise; the efficiency of production and economic activity; the ability to compete; combinations of other approaches. That is, competitiveness is based on a set of characteristics of an enterprise that can provide it with the opportunity to confront rivals in competitive markets. An important feature of the development of any industrial enterprise is the rapid response to changes in the external environment, since the basis of the modern market success of the enterprise is competitive rationality, that is, the ability to think and act faster, more accurately and ethically. Management of the development of industrial enterprises is the purposeful influence of the management system on the managed one in order to ensure the process of transition from the current state of the enterprise to the best (perfect) in accordance with the set goals.  Consequently, the process of life support management of industrial enterprises primarily aims to move the system from one state to another with new qualitative and quantitative characteristics of competitiveness, the achievement of which depends on the factors of production.

Ключевые слова: процесс управления, деятельность, конкурентоспособность, рыночный успех, реальность.

Keywords: management process, activity, competitiveness, market success, reality


  1. Doroshenko, E., Guschina, E., & Chesnokova, J. (2013). Improvement of marketing technologies for Russian advertising market research. World Applied Sciences Journal, 24(9), 1206–1210. https://doi.org/10.5829/idosi.wasj.2013.24.09.13262
  2. Haciyev, P. (2013). Socially oriented marketing as an instrument of innovation economy. Actual Problems of Economics, 140(2), 183–187.
  3. Kovalev, A. (2013). Trends of the nanomaterial market. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 4(9), 655–659. https://doi.org/10.5901/mjss.2013.v4n9p655
  4. Krivenko, N. V. (2013). Management system of organizational and economic changes in health services. Economy of Region, (1), 149–158. https://doi.org/10.17059/2013-1-14
  5. Melnikova, O. Y., & Baranovsky, A. I. (2014). Competitiveness of higher education in the context of sustainable development concept. World Applied Sciences Journal, 30(1), 35–38. https://doi.org/10.5829/idosi.wasj.2014.30.01.13994
  6. Pirogov, A. (2014). GIS-based education course for bachelor of management program in the Lomonosov Moscow State University Business School. In International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences — ISPRS Archives (Vol. 40, pp. 79–82). https://doi.org/10.5194/isprsarchives-XL-6-79-2014
  7. Popkova, E. G., Chashchin, V. V, & Bogdanov, D. V. (2013). Implementation of the concept of personnel marketing in modern Russia. World Applied Sciences Journal, 22(3), 389–395. https://doi.org/10.5829/idosi.wasj.2013.22.03.2926
  8. Rozdolskaya, I., Ledovskaya, M., & Afanasiev, I. (2013). Innovation consulting services within the context of the formation of a new model of marketing innovation. World Applied Sciences Journal, 25(6), 956–960. https://doi.org/10.5829/idosi.wasj.2013.25.06.7068
  9. Tceplit, A., Grigoreva, A., & Osipov, Y. (2014). Developing the model for assessing the competitiveness of innovative engineering products. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 682, 623–630. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.682.623
  10. Yudanov, A. (2014). High-growth LMT firms and the evolution of the Russian economy. Knowledge-Intensive Entrepreneurship in Low-Tech Industries. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781783472048.00014


  1. Doroshenko, E., Guschina, E., & Chesnokova, J. (2013). Improvement of marketing technologies for Russian advertising market research. World Applied Sciences Journal, 24(9), 1206–1210. https://doi.org/10.5829/idosi.wasj.2013.24.09.13262
  2. Haciyev, P. (2013). Socially oriented marketing as an instrument of innovation economy. Actual Problems of Economics, 140(2), 183–187.
  3. Kovalev, A. (2013). Trends of the nanomaterial market. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 4(9), 655–659. https://doi.org/10.5901/mjss.2013.v4n9p655
  4. Krivenko, N. V. (2013). Management system of organizational and economic changes in health services. Economy of Region, (1), 149–158. https://doi.org/10.17059/2013-1-14
  5. Melnikova, O. Y., & Baranovsky, A. I. (2014). Competitiveness of higher education in the context of sustainable development concept. World Applied Sciences Journal, 30(1), 35–38. https://doi.org/10.5829/idosi.wasj.2014.30.01.13994
  6. Pirogov, A. (2014). GIS-based education course for bachelor of management program in the Lomonosov Moscow State University Business School. In International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences — ISPRS Archives (Vol. 40, pp. 79–82). https://doi.org/10.5194/isprsarchives-XL-6-79-2014
  7. Popkova, E. G., Chashchin, V. V, & Bogdanov, D. V. (2013). Implementation of the concept of personnel marketing in modern Russia. World Applied Sciences Journal, 22(3), 389–395. https://doi.org/10.5829/idosi.wasj.2013.22.03.2926
  8. Rozdolskaya, I., Ledovskaya, M., & Afanasiev, I. (2013). Innovation consulting services within the context of the formation of a new model of marketing innovation. World Applied Sciences Journal, 25(6), 956–960. https://doi.org/10.5829/idosi.wasj.2013.25.06.7068
  9. Tceplit, A., Grigoreva, A., & Osipov, Y. (2014). Developing the model for assessing the competitiveness of innovative engineering products. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 682, 623–630. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.682.623
  10. Yudanov, A. (2014). High-growth LMT firms and the evolution of the Russian economy. Knowledge-Intensive Entrepreneurship in Low-Tech Industries. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781783472048.00014

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