Интеграл 1/2024

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Грепан Вадим Николаевич, магистр, Project Manager (Major projects), BPC Banking Technologies, ORCID: 0009-0001-2142-2304,
e-mail: vgrepan@rambler.ru

Grepan Vadim, Master’s degree, Project Manager (Major projects), BPC Banking Technologies, ORCID: 0009-0001-2142-2304, e-mail: vgrepan@rambler.ru

Аннотация. В статье проведен анализ влияния экономических, социальных и технологических факторов на развитие систем электронных платежей (ЭП). Исследование охватывает различные географические регионы и выявляет ключевые тренды, определяющие текущее состояние и будущее ЭП. Рассмотрены вопросы цифровой грамотности, культурных особенностей каждого региона, уровень влияния общественного доверия к технологиям и социально-экономического статуса на принятие и использование цифровых платежных систем. Статья подчеркивает необходимость комплексного подхода к разработке эффективных стратегий в области ЭП.

Abstract. This article presents an analysis of the impact of economic, social, and technological factors on the development of electronic payment (EP) systems. The study encompasses various geographical regions and identifies key trends that define the current state and future of EP. Issues of digital literacy, cultural characteristics of each region, the level of impact of public trust in technologies, and socio-economic status on the adoption and usage of digital payment systems are examined. The article emphasizes the need for a comprehensive approach in developing effective strategies in the field of EP.

Ключевые слова: электронные платежи, цифровая грамотность, культурные особенности, общественное доверие, глобальные тренды.

Keywords: electronic payments, digital literacy, cultural characteristics, public trust, global trends.


  1. Capgemini Research Institute for Financial Services Analysis, 2023; ECB Statistical Data Warehouse; BIS Statistics Explorer; Countries’ central bank annual reports.
  2. Abdullina L., Bobovnikova A., Zrazhevskiy A. Esg-factors and csr-strategy impact on the investment attractiveness of usa companies // Proceedings of the XLIII International Multidisciplinary Conference «Recent Scientific Investigation». Primedia E-launch LLC. Shawnee, USA. 2023.
  3. Bulturbayevich, M. B., & Jurayevich, M. B. (2020). The impact of the digital economy on economic growth // International Journal of Business, Law, and Education Vol. 1. No. 1. P. 4–7.
  4. Количество банкоматов на 100 000 взрослого населения // Our World in Data: некоммерческий электронный проект о глобальных проблемах человечества в данных. URL: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/automated-teller-machines-atms-per-100000-adults (дата обращения: 14.11.2023).
  5. Хамурадов М.А. Развитие цифрового рубля на примере опыта КНР // Экономика и бизнес: теория и практика. 2023. №6–2 (100).
  6. Seldal, M.N., Nyhus E. K. Financial vulnerability, financial literacy, and the use of digital payment technologies // Journal of Consumer Policy. 2022. Vol. 45. No. 2. P. 281–306.
  7. Zhanga A., Yue X., Kong, Y. Exploring culture factors affecting the adoption of mobile payment // 10th International Conference on Mobile Business. 2011. P. 263–267. IEEE.
  8. Alshurideh M. T., Al Kurdi B., Masa’deh R.E., Salloum, S.A. The moderation effect of gender on accepting electronic payment technology: a study on United Arab Emirates consumers // Review of International Business and Strategy. 2021. Vol. 31. No. 3. P. 375–396.
  9. Dehbini N., Birjandi M., Birjandi H. Factors influencing the adoption of electronic payment cards in urban micro-payments // Research Journal of Finance and Accounting. 2015. Vol. 6. No. 1. P. 39–47.


  1. Capgemini Research Institute for Financial Services Analysis, 2023; ECB Statistical Data Warehouse; BIS Statistics Explorer; Countries’ central bank annual reports.
  2. Abdullina L., Bobovnikova A., Zrazhevskiy A. Esg-factors and csr-strategy impact on the investment attractiveness of usa companies // Proceedings of the XLIII International Multidisciplinary Conference «Recent Scientific Investigation». Primedia E-launch LLC. Shawnee, USA. 2023.
  3. Bulturbayevich, M. B., & Jurayevich, M. B. (2020). The impact of the digital economy on economic growth // International Journal of Business, Law, and Education Vol. 1. No. 1. P. 4–7.
  4. Number of ATMs per 100,000 adults // Our World in Data: non-profit electronic project about global problems of humanity in data. URL: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/automated-teller-machines-atms-per-100000-adults (date of reference: 14.11.2023).
  5. Khamuradov M.A. development of the digital RUR by example of PRC // Economics and business: theory and practice. 2023. №6–2 (100).
  6. Seldal, M.N., Nyhus E. K. Financial vulnerability, financial literacy, and the use of digital payment technologies // Journal of Consumer Policy. 2022. Vol. 45. No. 2. P. 281–306.
  7. Zhanga A., Yue X., Kong, Y. Exploring culture factors affecting the adoption of mobile payment // 10th International Conference on Mobile Business. 2011. P. 263–267. IEEE.
  8. Alshurideh M. T., Al Kurdi B., Masa’deh R.E., Salloum, S.A. The moderation effect of gender on accepting electronic payment technology: a study on United Arab Emirates consumers // Review of International Business and Strategy. 2021. Vol. 31. No. 3. P. 375–396.
  9. Dehbini N., Birjandi M., Birjandi H. Factors influencing the adoption of electronic payment cards in urban micro-payments // Research Journal of Finance and Accounting. Vol. 6. No. 1. P. 39–47.

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