UDK 004.7 Связь компьютеров. Сети ЭВМ. Вычислительные сети
UDK 005 Изучение проблемы организации: методология, анализ, синтез, классификация и таксономия (теория, основы), систематизация в целом
In the context of digital transformation, IT outsourcing is becoming a key tool for improving the efficiency of corporate development and management. The main advantages of using IT are cost savings, access to advanced technologies, improved service quality, and the ability to focus on strategically important tasks. When deciding whether to outsource IT services, management takes into account several factors, such as cost comparisons, choosing the form of outsourcing, analyzing the economic impact, and calculating the total cost of ownership. The importance of careful management of this process is emphasized, as well as business expectations and concerns regarding outsourcing. In a rapidly changing market and technology, IT outsourcing is turning from a means of reducing costs into a strategic tool for increasing competitiveness and optimizing corporate operations.
IT outsourcing, management, efficiency, digital transformation, costs, technologies, competitiveness
1. Deloitte. Global Outsourcing Survey 2022 [Elektronnyy resurs]. – 2022. – Rezhim dostupa: https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/us/Documents/process-and-operations/us-global-outsourcing-survey-2022.pdf (data obrascheniya: 15.02.2025).
2. Gambal M., Asatiani A., Kotlarsky J. Strategic Innovation Through Outsourcing: A Theoretical Review [Elektronnyy resurs] // arXiv preprint. – 2022. – Rezhim dostupa: https://arxiv.org/abs/2206.00982 (data obrascheniya: 15.02.2025).
3. D'yakov, S. A. Gibkost' struktur, innovacii i korporativnaya kul'tura: klyuchevye aspekty organizacionnogo menedzhmenta / S. A. D'yakov // Delovoy vestnik predprinimatelya. – 2024. – № 2(16). – S. 77-79.
4. Ivanova, I. G. Cifrovye tehnologii v HR: sovremennye trendy upravleniya personalom v Rossii / I. G. Ivanova, G. O. Iskandaryan // Moskovskiy ekonomicheskiy zhurnal. – 2024. – T. 9, № 10. – S. 144-158.
5. Israilova, T. I. Osobennosti perehoda k it autsorsingu v usloviyah mezhorganizacionnogo vzaimodeystviya / T. I. Israilova // Studencheskiy vestnik. – 2023. – № 4-8(243). – S. 38-39.
6. Popov, A. S. Upravlenie effektivnost'yu deyatel'nosti IT-autsorsinga / A. S. Popov // Vestnik Volzhskogo universiteta im. V.N. Tatischeva. – 2024. – T. 2, № 3(54). – S. 121-132.
7. Ryabinina, V. R. Sovremennye tehnologii v menedzhmente: rol' it-autsorsinga / V. R. Ryabinina // Upravlenie ekonomikoy, sistemami, processami : Sbornik statey VII Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferencii, Penza, 20–21 oktyabrya 2023 goda. – Penza: Penzenskiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet, 2023. – S. 499-502.
8. Saenko, I. I. Faktory, vliyayuschie na konkurentosposobnost' predpriyatiya / I. I. Saenko, A. S. Malikov, S. A. Kerasheva // Aktual'nye voprosy sovremennoy ekonomiki. – 2022. – № 3. – S. 91-96.
9. Sydykova, Ch. K. IT-Autsorsing i effektivnost' ego primeneniya / Ch. K. Sydykova, A. Sagynbek // Voprosy ustoychivogo razvitiya obschestva. – 2022. – № 6. – S. 393-397.
10. Shoshina, E. A. Tendencii informacionnogo menedzhmenta / E. A. Shoshina // Molodoy uchenyy. – 2024. – № 3(502). – S. 92-94.