Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the issues of implementation of automated systems of a new class MES to improve the quality of planning at mechanical engineering enterprises. The advantages of the systems are revealed - the use of complex and accurate models and innovative planning methods in mechanical engineering, based on modern mathematics. The implementation of the MES system for production management at the workshop level, which is compatible with the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform, is proposed. A comparison of the functional capabilities of Russian MES systems is carried out and the Zenith SPPS Premium system is selected. The possibility of implementing the Zenith SPPS system in the cold-press shop of OP KSK MK Novocherkassk, which is a separate division of KSK Metallkomplekt LLC in Tver, which provides a full range of metalworking for transport engineering. It is proposed to implement the Zenith SPPS MES system on high-tech machines with numerical control. The calculation of the costs of installing the system is carried out. Due to the presence of low-tech machines without numerical control in the cold-press shop in addition to high-tech machines, it was proposed to install the qCAN system, which is a complex of software and hardware that solves the problems of monitoring production of any type. The possibilities of the system tariffs were studied. It was recommended to purchase the tariff "I KNOW EVERYTHING about my production". The costs of purchasing and installing qCAN software on low-tech machines in cold-press shop No. 256 of OP "KSK MK Novocherkassk" were calculated. An economic justification for the implementation of automated planning systems at the shop level was carried out.

automated systems, production process management, MES system, high- and low-tech machines, tariffs, planning quality, costs, efficiency
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