Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article provides an analysis of the activities of rural enterprises in the Altai Territory that are part of its agro-industrial complex. The structure of the economy of municipal districts is visualized and the popularity and economic efficiency of individual sectors of the economy and their groups is assessed. The most developed and vulnerable sectors of the agro-industrial complex are identified. The main recommendations for the development of rural areas are given in order to strengthen the role of the agro-industrial complex in the structure of the economy of rural areas of the region, as well as to increase the economic efficiency of its enterprises. The study was carried out as part of the implementation of the University Development Program for 2021-2030 as part of the implementation of the strategic academic leadership program "Priority 2030", the project "Development of a geoinformation service to maintain a sustainable land use structure".

agriculture, rural areas, spatial development, agro-industrial complex, economic efficiency
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