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Abstract (English):
The article provides a study of the process of intensification of greenhouse production of vegetables and herbs, through the organization of vertical cultivation, which makes it possible to organize and develop more efficient small agricultural production. The definition of "vertical cultivation" in small, personal and other agricultural management is proposed, which refers to the process of breeding, producing vegetables, herbs, cereals, and other organic plant matter in artificial greenhouse conditions with its cultivation in stacked boxes with soil or in a hydroponics system. The main factors of formation of effective production of vertical cultivation of small vegetable growing are shown. For the first time, a model of the economic functioning of an innovative personal vegetable subsidiary farm has been developed, based on the introduction of a greenhouse technological system for vertical cultivation of table greens using manure or compost biological "fuel", which allows, at the same heating costs, to multiply (by two to three or more times) the growing area on the same square meters of the room. while reducing the cost and significantly increasing the benefits.

vertical innovative greenhouse cultivation, definition, small-scale production, functioning, development, efficiency
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