Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents an analysis of the foreign economic indicators of the Russian Federation by subjects and federal districts for the period from 2005 to 2019. The study revealed an uneven distribution of trade results, with Moscow as the leader in terms of foreign trade. The main focus is on the commodity structure, where federal districts export fuel and energy complex products and import machinery and equipment. As a result of the cluster analysis, seven groups of subjects with different levels of economic openness were identified. The first two clusters demonstrate high foreign economic activity, while one of them is export—oriented and the other is import-oriented. A survey among entrepreneurs in the field of sports and educational services showed that small businesses avoid foreign trade because of the costs. The interview participants noted the impact of the political situation on foreign economic activity and the positive impact of digitalization on simplifying transaction procedures.

foreign trade of the Russian Federation, export, import, cluster analysis, rating of subjects of the Russian Federation
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