Russian Federation
UDK 332.14 Региональная, территориальная экономическая политика, планирование и прогнозирование
The article discusses digital technologies that are involved in the development of urban planning documentation, and the digital master planning project was analyzed as an example of digitalization in this area. Digital master planning is an innovative approach to urban area management that uses modern technologies to create more efficient and sustainable urban spaces. One of the key advantages of digital master planning is the ability to create interactive and virtual models that allow urban planning specialists to visualize and test various scenarios for the development of a city. This allows for more informed decisions, taking into account a variety of factors such as social needs, economic conditions, and environmental aspects. In addition, digital tools enhance transparency and citizen participation in the planning process, making the urban environment more inclusive and democratic. The project "Digital Twin of the city of Moscow" is considered, which uses artificial intelligence algorithms to process a large amount of data, and then create and implement a model of a "digitized" twin. Large amounts of data, such as satellite imagery, traffic data, and environmental indicators, will allow for more accurate and detailed modeling of the urban environment, which will help optimize space use and improve infrastructure. In conclusion, digital master planning represents a revolutionary step in urban area management. It not only improves the quality and accuracy of planning, but also contributes to the creation of more sustainable, efficient and inclusive cities. In the future, with the development of technology and an increase in the amount of available data, the potential of digital master planning will only grow, opening up new opportunities for improving urban infrastructure and the quality of life of citizens.
digital technologies, urban planning documents, territorial planning, artificial intelligence, master plan, digital twin
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14. Digital Twin Market (By Solutions: Component, Process, System; By Applications: Agriculture, Manufacturing, Telecommunication, Aerospace & Defense, Retail & Consumer Goods, Residential & Commercial, Healthcare & Lifesciences, Energy & Utilities, Automotive & Transport, Automotive & Transport, By Enterprises: Large Enterprises, Medium Enterprises, Small Enterprises) - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, Regional Outlook, and Forecast 2023–2033. [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 20.01.2025)