Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the development features of the agricultural sector of the economy of the Krasnodar Territory. The purpose of this study is to assess the development of the regional agricultural economy and propose measures to ensure sustainable development of rural areas in the face of external challenges and internal industry tensions. Analytical, graphical, and comparative research methods were used in the article. The study shows structural disproportions in the number of urban and rural populations. The causes of the migration process of rural areas in the region are determined. The socio-economic indicators of rural development characterizing the level of employment, wages, and improvement in rural areas are studied. The dynamics of agricultural production in the region is considered. The investment activity of economic entities in agricultural production is shown. A detailed analysis of the structure of expenditures of the federal budget and the budget of the Krasnodar Territory in terms of implementing measures to support entities of the agro-industrial complex is performed. The main areas of development of the agricultural sector of the economy aimed at the sustainable development of rural areas of the Krasnodar Territory are determined. As a result of the study, destabilizing factors that pose a threat to stability in the development of the agricultural sector of the region's economy are identified. The problems that slow down the economic development of the agricultural sector in the region are shown. To neutralize them, it is proposed to implement a number of measures aimed at the sustainable development of rural areas of the Krasnodar Territory. The main areas of development of the agricultural sector of the region's economy are determined, including the elimination of high stratification of the population by income level, state support for the development of the scientific and technological potential of the region and the attraction of modern technologies, developments and innovations and their application in the branches of the agro-industrial complex.

agricultural sector of the economy, sustainability, analysis, agriculture, products, budget expenditures, rural areas, production, business entity
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