UDK 502.4 Заповедники, национальные парки, резерваты и другие охраняемые природные территории (акватории) в целом и управление ими
The article focuses on the design and development of ecological trails, examining their significance for sustainable tourism, environmental protection, and the enhancement of ecological awareness. It emphasizes the analysis of international experiences in creating ecological trails, highlighting their ecological benefits, accessibility for visitors, and educational aspects.An overview of key design methodologies is provided, which includes the use of local materials, comprehensive development, and the incorporation of educational elements. The article also discusses examples of successful trails from various countries such as New Zealand, Sweden, Canada, and Australia, where the focus is on biodiversity conservation and minimizing environmental impact.Furthermore, the article underscores the importance of involving local populations and indigenous peoples in the process of developing and maintaining ecological trails. It also discusses future directions in design, including the integration of modern technologies and adaptive management.
ecological trails, ecosystem, international experience, designing, protected areas, environmental thinking, ecological tourism
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