UDK 353.9 Специальные органы управления частями страны. Министерства регионов
The Internet geodata service plays an important role in providing information about land boundaries and building sites in the country. The Rosreestr portal has a publicly available map of the cadastre of Russia, where you can find information about plots, houses and other buildings. This resource displays special areas of operation, cultural monuments and other data from the state real estate catalog. Users are offered the chance to track data changes online, which makes this map an indispensable tool for searching and researching property throughout Russia. It is important to understand the local infrastructure and the prospects for the development of the area for a successful purchase of real estate. The national project "Housing and Urban Environment" actively contributes to the development of territories and optimization of land use for the construction of new housing, which can make the analysis easier. A lot of different maps need to be studied to understand the situation, and this makes it difficult to analyze. For example, the Land for Construction project allocates unproductive plots of land in the Moscow region for more efficient use. The use of geodata in general contributes to more efficient use of the territory and optimization of residential area planning. Creating maps and three-dimensional models on demand, as well as managing a database with various types of information, are just some of the features that GIS provides. The use of GIS allows you to solve various problems of urban planning, analyze land plots, choose the best places for development, assess risks and model possible solutions. ArcGIS Urban is a tool that integrates geodata to improve the urban environment, planning development, and organizing information about construction and zoning.
land plot, Rosreestr, Roskadaster, Public cadastral map, Unified State Register of Real Estate, geoinformation system, housing construction, National spatial Data System, national project, Land for construction, Public services
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