employee from 01.01.2015 until now
Kuban State University (the Department of Physical Geography, Senior Lecturer)
employee from 01.01.2021 until now
UDK 338.48 Экономическая политика в области туризма. Экономика туризма
The article presents the results of research on the tourist and recreational potential of water bodies within the boundaries of the municipality of Krasnodar, conducted using the author's methodology based on previously developed methodological approaches. The assessment of the degree of suitability of the use of the city's water bodies for tourism and recreation purposes was carried out according to a set of parameters: water quality according to the main hydrochemical indicators, the degree of attractiveness and uniqueness of landscapes, the development of tourist infrastructure, the intensity of use in tourist and recreational activities, taking into account the principles of rational recreational nature management, etc.; and the limiting factors of the development of the tourist and recreational sphere are also identified (for example, pollution of reservoirs). According to the developed assessment scale, the most promising water bodies for organizing recreation for the population have been identified – Lakes Staraya Kuban and Verkhneye Pokrovskoye. In conclusion, measures are proposed aimed at increasing the tourist attractiveness of all the studied reservoirs, the main of which are aimed at eliminating sources of lake pollution, landscaping the coastal zone, expanding the types of their tourist and recreational use, monitoring the wastewater treatment system, etc.; The necessity of creating a cadastre of tourist resources was also determined, due to the importance of providing executive authorities, local governments and tourist organizations with up-to-date information about the tourist potential of a particular territory.
tourism and recreational potential, medical and biological assessment, psychological and aesthetic assessment, technological assessment, economic assessment, water bodies, cadastre of tourist resources
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