Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article shows an original example of the use of the NDVI vegetation index geographic information system tools for mapping eroded soils in order to assess the decrease in land use and profitability in growing winter wheat in the 2024 season. Rosstat data on the dynamics of yields and producer prices for grain for 2019-2024 are analyzed. It is noted that over the past 5 years, the yield is the lowest - only 28.2 c/ha, which is 12.7 c/ha less than a year earlier. Possible causes of yield reduction are analyzed. The results of the study can be useful for agricultural producers in predicting crop yield and profitability. As a result of NDVI analyses, the Fer eroded area was found to be 0.451 ha (4% of the total area). As a result of NDVI analyses, the Fer eroded area was found to be 0.451 ha (4% of the total area). In the given example, the potential loss of profitability from the sale of the winter wheat crop was, taking into account 205287.1 rubles.

remote sensing, vegetation index, winter wheat, NDVI, Sentinel-2, Rosstat, erosion, yield, yield, Grain Union, economic risk, profitability, yield
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