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Abstract (English):
The article assesses and analyzes the factors affecting agricultural land in Contum Province, Vietnam, based on data on land resources and environmental factors for the period from 2016 to 2023. Using the Minitab program, a correlation analysis of factors was carried out, direct and indirect dependencies affecting the area of agricultural land were identified. The direct impact is manifested in a negative correlation between the areas of forest land and agricultural land, which indicates a decrease in the latter with an increase in forest areas. Correlations with factors of average humidity, drylands and seismic activity were also found. Indirect impacts are related to the influence of climatic factors such as temperature, precipitation and hours of sunshine on conditions suitable for agricultural activities. The results obtained allow for a better understanding of the relationships between the factors affecting agricultural land and provide recommendations for land management in the province of Kontum.

Contum, Vietnam, agricultural land, environmental factors, correlation analysis, Spearman's coefficient, sustainable management
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