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Abstract (English):
The scientific article contains a review of scientific literature on the issues of forming a product consumer value chain, a consumer value management model, creating a value chain based on a strategic map, strategic management using a value chain, promoting product and brand information. It is established that at a manufacturing enterprise, the product value chain includes such components as incoming and outgoing logistics, technological operations, marketing, and after-sales customer service. It is noted that incoming logistics ensures uninterrupted operation at each technological operation and helps reduce production material costs. It is indicated that the technological operations of a manufacturing enterprise can be divided into three main groups: the production process itself, packaging of the finished product, labeling and branding. It has been established that outgoing logistics includes storage of the finished product in the company's warehouse or in the shop storeroom, representative expenses for negotiations with customers and concluding contracts with them, and delivery of the finished product to the customer. It has been revealed that an important component of the product value chain is marketing, the purpose of which is to increase sales volumes and establish the highest possible price for the product. It has been determined that after-sales customer service contributes to the emergence of trust in the manufacturer on the part of customers and a feeling of confidence in the correct choice of the seller. Price and non-price values of the consumer value of the product are indicated. It is noted that price factors include an increase in price and a decrease in costs for the production and sale of the product, and a non-price factor is attracting the attention of the buyer.

sales strategy, product value chain, product price values, product non-price values, inbound logistics, outbound logistics, marketing
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