UDK 528.4 Топографо-геодезические работы. Топография. Кадастровые съемки, землеустроительные работы. Инженерно-геодезические работы. Специальные области применения геодезии
The article analyses the values of the mean square error of determining the co-ordinates of characteristic points of the land plots boundaries by the cartomet-ric method when using different planning and cartographic materials (analogue, digital, etc.) at a scale from 1:100 to 1:100 000. The obtained values are com-pared with the maximum permissible values of mean square errors of deter-mining the coordinates of characteristic points of the land plots boundaries of different categories. Land use works on describing the location of municipal district boundaries on the example of the municipal entity Tumanniy Urban Settlement of the Kola District, Murmansk Oblast, which were carried out with the use of the cartometric method. The conclusion gives recommendations on the use of planning and cartographic materials in determining the coordinates of characteristic points of the land plots boundaries.
coordinates, coordinate determination methods, mean square error, land use works, land use objects, land plots boundaries, land use category
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