Russian Federation
UDK 528.44 Кадастровые съемки
UDK 332.334 Используемые земли. Земельный фонд
The article deals with the land survey and cadastral division of the territory of the state of Ohio. From the 80s of the XVIII century to the early 20s of the XIX century, 10 main land surveys were made in the state. One of the milestones of the cadastral division of Ohio can be taken in 1796, when a single area for townships was established – 36 square miles and a single numbering of sections. Prior to the establishment of uniform requirements, 5 large land plots were made in the state. The Seven Ranges were delimited in 1785 and 1786 into townships with a side of 6 miles, which were divided into 36 sections numbered from the southeast corner; the townships were numbered from the Ohio River. Virginia Military Land began to be surveyed in 1787 in the "metes and bounds" system, without using the US Public Land Survey System, this territory of the state leads in the number of land disputes. Ohio Company’s Purchase was surveyed from 1788 to 1802, continuing the system of surveying The Seven Ranges. Connecticut Western Reserve have been surveyed since 1796 into townships with a side of 5 miles, townships were divided into sections and quarters; townships were numbered from the Ellicott line and 41 parallel. Since 1796, United States Military Survey have been surveyed into townships with a side of 5 miles, divided into 4 multiples or 25 squares; the townships themselves were numbered from The Seven Ranges and Congress Lands West of Miami River.
US Public Land Survey System, Virginia Military Land, United States Military Survey, Connecticut Western Reserve Survey, Ohio River Survey, Township, Section, The Seven Ranges, Ohio Company’s Purchase
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