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Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the study of the prospects and risks associated with the digital transformation of investment processes in modern economic conditions. In the context of rapid technological development and globalization, investment processes are undergoing significant changes, which requires market participants to adapt to new realities. The key trends in the digitalization of the investment market are considered, including the use of big data technologies (Big Data), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and blockchain technologies. These technologies open up new opportunities for data analysis, improving the accuracy of forecasts and automating investment decisions. It analyzes how the use of algorithms and analytical platforms can improve risk assessment, optimize portfolios and reduce time spent on decision-making. The paper also draws attention to the risks associated with digital transformation. These include cybersecurity issues, which are becoming increasingly relevant in the face of growing amounts of data and complex cyber threats. In addition, the issues of insufficient training of specialists who are able to work effectively with new technologies, as well as uncertainty in the regulatory environment, which may create additional barriers to the introduction of digital solutions, are being considered. The article highlights the importance of an integrated approach to risk management, including the development of cyber defense strategies, training and interaction with regulators. In conclusion, practical recommendations are proposed for the successful implementation of the digital transformation of investment processes.

digital transformation, investment processes, cybersecurity, big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, investment analysis, risks, regulatory environment
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