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Abstract (English):
The digital revolution in human resource management (HR) has changed hiring procedures and the entire network of contacts between employers and employees. This is especially important in Russian conditions, when a large number of enterprises actively use advanced technologies to optimize their personnel procedures. Automated systems save time on repetitive processes such as document management, resume selection, and candidate pre-selection. This allows HR professionals to focus more on strategic aspects of their business, such as talent retention and corporate culture development, but, in addition to its advantages, digitalization also creates new difficulties. One of the main disadvantages of working with candidates and employees is the possibility of losing personal contacts. Since artificial intelligence analyzes huge amounts of data and draws conclusions using algorithms, it can significantly improve the recruitment process. However, its application is fraught with ethical problems. Algorithms can be biased or misinterpret data, which can lead to discrimination or incorrect choices. Thus, HR specialists continue to play a crucial role in monitoring automated procedures and ensuring impartiality and fairness towards candidates. Thanks to digitalization, the analysis of employee data opens up new opportunities. By collecting data on employee productivity, engagement, and satisfaction, HR analytics solutions allow you to more accurately predict business requirements and create customized HR management plans.

HR management, digital technologies, automation, artificial intelligence, HR, human resource management
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