Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Transfer of innovations in inter-industry cooperation ensures a synergy effect. Inter-industry cooperation is of paramount importance today. Cooperation between residents of the industrial park is based on the organization of production chains. As a result of cooperation, the competencies of anchor residents are formed, and the quality of import substitution products increases, as well as stable demand for domestic products. As a result of the implementation of the mechanism of cooperative links, costs are reduced, the optimal production process and efficient loading of production capacity are ensured, and innovations are introduced. To implement cooperative links, it is advisable to involve a pool of management companies. The authors propose to intensify work on organizing the navigation of domestic industrial parks abroad. It is necessary to build industry chains when developing projects for joint international parks in other countries in order to create centers of technological cooperation with industry specialization. The central tasks set for industrial parks are the implementation of uninterrupted mutual deliveries of products, as well as the formation of agreements for organizing technological chains of foreign partners. The authors determine that the goal of implementing the ideas of cross-cutting inter-industry cooperation between industrial parks is to ensure qualitative changes in the dynamics of economic growth, technological development and global leadership of domestic products in the world market. The implementation of the idea of cross-cutting inter-industry cooperation of industrial parks will ensure technological sovereignty, which characterizes the political and economic independence of the country. Due to cooperation chains, industrial production is restored; manufacturers are provided with components and raw materials. The authors have defined the trajectory of development of industrial sites, the paths of associations, industrial consortiums, which have their own industry focus. The geography of technological cooperation has undergone fundamental transformations. It is necessary to form industrial and logistics infrastructure along the route of international transport corridors. The external direction of organizing points of presence of domestic production is being actively developed.

cross-cutting inter-industry cooperation, industrial parks, industry specialization, import substitution, technological sovereignty, reconfiguration of the economy
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