Russian Federation
UDK 332 Региональная (территориальная) экономика. Земельный (аграрный) вопрос. Жилищное хозяйство
The article discusses the main tasks of Russian retail, which is the task of achieving a balance between profit from trading activities and environmental support. The integration of the principles of sustainable development into all operational processes, from product quality control to waste disposal, creates an entire ecosystem of responsible business and lifestyle of people.
retail, entrepreneurship, ESG principles, concepts of sustainable development, business, stability of society
1. The SDGS in action. UNDP. URL:
2. GOST R ISO 14033-2021 «Ekologicheskiy menedzhment. Kolichestvennye ekologicheskie dannye. Rukovodstvo i primery». URL:
3. GOST R ISO 26000-2012 Rukovodstvo po social'noy otvetstvennosti. URL:
4. GOST R ISO 21500-2014 Rukovodstvo po proektnomu menedzhmentu. URL:
5. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 21.09.2021 g. №1587 «Ob utverzhdenii kriteriev proektov ustoychivogo (v tom chisle zelenogo) razvitiya v RF i trebovaniy k sisteme verifikacii proektov ustoychivogo (v tom chisle zelenogo) razvitiya v RF». URL:
6. Directive 2014/95/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council. URL:
7. What is SDG and ESG. ESG The Report. URL: