Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Land use in urban areas has been undergoing significant changes in recent years. The practical implementation of Law No. 494-FZ on the integrated development of urban areas, adopted in 2020, faces difficulties of both an objective and subjective nature. Public authorities continue to improve the mechanism of integrated development of territories on an ongoing basis for the successful implementation of the project. Amendments are made in respect of those territories whose borders have not been established and, accordingly, are not displayed on the urban zoning map. Often, the integrated development of territories is understood as the reconstruc-tion or demolition of dilapidated emergency housing, whereas this concept has a much broader meaning. In areas free from dilapidated housing, it means the design and construction of not only modern residential premises, but the construction of the entire infrastructure, starting from schools, kindergartens, clinics, pharmacies, etc. Territories and residential neighborhoods have been established on the territory of Krasnoyarsk, which fall into the zone of integrated development. Solving prob-lems related to the implementation of this project is relevant.

planning project, adjustment, land surveying, land use, red lines, integrated development of the territory, capital construction facilities
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