UDK 332.13 Размещение, региональное размещение. Территориальное распределение факторов производства, производительных сил. Региональное, территориальное разделение труда
The article reflects the importance of socio-economic development of regions as a structural unit of the economy of the entire country. The economic activity of seven enlarged macro-regions with the presence of the main departments of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is analyzed - the Central Federal District (Main Department for the Central Federal District), North-West (NWGU), Siberian (SGU), Southern (SGU), Ural (UGU), Volga-Vyatka (VGU), Far Eastern (DGU), for each of which the main indicators, trends and dependencies are identified. Based on the data obtained, it was found that throughout the country there is varying degrees of investment activity in four types of activity - construction, industry, mining, services. Positive and negative factors of investment activity of entrepreneurs and investors are identified, and the state of the transport and logistics infrastructure of cargo transportation in the country is ranked. Based on the data obtained, recommendations are developed to improve the competitiveness of the territories and achieve technological sovereignty of the country.
regional economy, consumer activity, macroregions, investments, logistics, import substitution, construction, competitiveness of territories
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