Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article reflects the main directions of reforming the sphere of spatial data turnover in Russia. The essence of the Federal Information System, the unified digital platform "National Spatial Data System" is revealed. The objectives of its creation and its connection with other state information systems and state information resources of the country are defined. The content of the Unified Electronic Cartographic Framework as an integral part of the National Spatial Data System is reflected. The requirements for the composition of the metric and semantic information of the EEC are given. The analysis of the national reports of Rosreestr "On the state and use of lands" was carried out, on the basis of which a conclusion was made about the relevance of mapping the territory of Russia. A description of the frame geodetic networks, methods and regulatory requirements for their construction is given. The substantiation of the possibility of optimizing the methodology for the production of satellite measurements in the "static" mode when creating networks of this class is given. The features of field and desk work within the framework of the study are reflected. Based on the results obtained, the duration of GNSS measurement sessions was determined, which allows to ensure the accuracy of the relative position of points of the frame geodetic network set by regulatory requirements.

NSPD, EECO, frame geodetic network, GNSS receiver, statics, Credo GNSS, FFPD
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