Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The topic of this study is relevant and practically significant, the authors of the article consider the role of determining and occurrence of credit risk for the modern system of financial and economic transactions, identifying the causes of credit risk, factorial influence on the emergence of the category "credit risk", the use of certain methods of regulating credit risk. The purpose of the study is to develop measures to identify and regulate credit risk in order to ensure the profitability of financial institutions. As a result of the research, the following methods were applied: description, comparison, and economic calculation. As a result, a method is proposed for regulating the profitability indicators of banks, taking into account the degree of risk influence in order to obtain a more reliable result of financial and economic activities. The object of research: the object of research is the category of "credit risk", the factors influencing it. The subject of the study is the study of methods and techniques for regulating credit risk. Research objectives: - familiarization with the features of the lending system; - identification of the essence of credit risk, the danger of its influence; - making proposals to stabilize credit risk; - study of techniques for regulating the risk of lending. The authors' proposals on risk management and profitability regulation can be recommended for implementation in the practical activities of banks in order to maintain their financial stability.

risk, lending, credit risk, regulation, management, profitability, offers
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