Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper deals with legal and technical peculiarities of fire safety in correctional institutions, where prisoners are held in lockable cells, they include a penal isolator, a quarantine isolator, a medical isolator, a chamber type room, and strict conditions of detention. The prisoner can not leave these premises on his own in the event of a fire. The task of evacuation becomes difficult to do. A common European solution to this issue is the use of automatic fire extinguishing systems (AUCS). But at the present time there are no legal grounds for the use of lockable chambers and rooms for APCT equipment. The indicated premises are more likely to fall into the exceptions from the list of premises of the MIS that are to be equipped with AUPT. The author gives the technical justification for the expediency of using AIPT for installation in lockable jail cells, as the only way to save the life of the prisoner, to prevent the development of fire and to ensure the safety of the prison personnel. The paper identifies the need to improve the legal provision of fire safety in prisons and bring it in line with existing modern firefighting facilities that have proved effective in foreign penitentiary systems.

fire in lockable chambers, fire in an insulator, fire safety rules, sprinklers, evacuation of prisoners

1. Ob utverzhdenii Pravil pozharnoy bezopasnosti na ob'ektah uchrezhdeniy i organov Federal'noy sluzhby ispolneniya nakazaniy. Prikaz Ministerstvo yusticii Rossiyskoy Federacii ot 30 marta 2005 goda N 214

2. SFPE handbook of fire protection engineering. National Fire Protection Association. Society of Fire Protection Engineers. Quincy, Mass. National Fire Protection Association. Bethesda, Md. : Society of Fire Protection Engineers, 2002.

3. Prikaz Federal'noy sluzhby ispolneniya nakazaniy ot 31 marta 2005 g. N 222 «Ob utverzhdenii perechnya zdaniy, sooruzheniy, pomescheniy i oborudovaniya v uchrezhdeniyah i organah federal'noy sluzhby ispolneniya nakazaniy, podlezhaschih zaschite avtomaticheskimi ustanovkami pozharotusheniya i avtomaticheskoy pozharnoy signalizaciey»

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